Reverse IP Lookup

Run a reverse IP lookup on any IPv4 address

This free online tool will do a reverse IP lookup. If you type in an IP address, we will attempt to find sites known to be hosted on that same web server.

What is a reverse IP lookup?

A reverse IP lookup is a process of determining the domain names that are hosted on a particular IP address. This can be useful for finding out what websites are hosted on a server, identifying the owner of an IP address, and tracking down the source of spam or other online attacks.

To perform a reverse IP lookup, you can use this free online reverse IP lookup service or a command line utility like "dig." These tools allow you to enter an IP address and get a list of domain names associated with that address.

Reverse IP lookup results are not always complete or accurate, as some domain names may not be publicly available or may be hidden behind privacy protection services. Moreover, some websites may use multiple IP addresses or load balancing techniques that can make it difficult to determine the exact relationship between an IP address and a particular domain name. Some domain names may be parked or inactive, meaning they are not currently being used to host a website.

Sometimes, the reverse IP lookup procedure is mistakenly referred to as a reverse DNS lookup. However, reverse DNS, also known as rDNS, is a completely different process.

How does a reverse IP lookup work?

In a reverse IP lookup, A records (also known as "address records") play a key role in mapping domain names to their corresponding IP addresses.

A records are a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that specifies the IP address associated with a particular domain name. When you enter a domain name into your web browser, the browser first sends a request to a DNS server to resolve the domain name to an IP address. The DNS server responds with the appropriate A record, which contains the IP address that the browser should use to connect to the website.

In a reverse IP lookup, the process is essentially reversed: instead of starting with a domain name and trying to find the associated IP address, you start with an IP address and try to find the associated domain names. By looking up the A records for each domain name, you can determine which IP address is associated with each domain.