Lookup of guardx.fr
Associated IPv4 Addresses:
- ns1.dns-parking.com
- ns2.dns-parking.com
Start of Authority Records:
- rname: dns.hostinger.com, mname: ns1.dns-parking.com, serial: 2025020601
CAA Records:
- tag: issue, value: digicert.com
- tag: issuewild, value: comodoca.com
- tag: issuewild, value: sectigo.com
- tag: issue, value: pki.goog
- tag: issuewild, value: digicert.com
- tag: issuewild, value: pki.goog
- tag: issue, value: comodoca.com
- tag: issue, value: sectigo.com
- tag: issuewild, value: globalsign.com
- tag: issue, value: letsencrypt.org
- tag: issue, value: globalsign.com
- tag: issuewild, value: letsencrypt.org